How to become a more confident writer - REPLAY
Q&A with coach Katherine Clements and Sanjida O'Connell
How confident do you feel as a writer? Coach and author
discussed how we can all become more confident, step by step, with practise, ‘faking it until you make it’, but also realising that we are not alone—most people lack confidence to some extent. (The replay is available to paid members).We discussed:
what to do if you feel utterly panicked (as Katherine once felt when she was asked to read her work out loud in front of a writer’s group).
ways to be more confident in writerly social situations—from readings, to book launches to panel events - tips, hacks, suggestions and how to reframe the situation.
how to feel more confident in one’s writing ability.
the reasons why being creative can sometimes feel uncomfortable.
why it’s good to retain some doubts about one’s ability so that we can grow and learn…
but to know that ultimately, we all have self-doubts, and what we want is to be able to believe in the process, that little by little, with practise, we can become better, happier and more confident writers.
‘The insecurity of the writer never goes away. It lives with you. It’s when you start to feel confident that you’re in trouble.’ Harlan Coben