Thank you Sanjida. My home definitely smells different at different times of the day.

Waking up is a cosy warm smell of morning energy, something quiet and sacred.

As the day progresses the energy is different. There is busyness in the air..changing frequently - food, movement and engagement.

Towards the end of the day things are cooler again. Coming back to the quiet and cosy tranquility smell. A little different from morning, a deeper quiet..for restful time.

Time, passing but not moving.

Perhaps in the moments when I am in between repetitive tasks and routine, I feel familiar like I have been here before.

It was perhaps a long time ago but I feel really close as if it was yesterday. But it was not.

And in my mind, it's real. As if m travelling in between realms connected but never meeting each other. If that makes sense.

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1. The scent of home

The feeling of safe, knowing I am with the people most dear to me ( my parents)

The voice of my mom calling me to eat something in my busy work day.

Listening to my breath first thing as a wake up

Looking at my hands and bringing my awareness to this moment, thinking- no matter what I am here..I am doing just fine.

Slowly lifting the curtains from my window, letting the sun light in

Standing in the sunlight hearing my heartbeat, realizing life is beautiful right in front of me

Taking time to slowly chew my food, feeding my body kindly..feeling good about it. Feeling blessed to eat such good food.

Looking at myself in the mirror, am I with me? Am I kind to me and taking care of me? Spending few minutes a day reflecting.. beautiful moments.

Listening to the birds at my window early in the morning. Feeling joy to be in another day, having another opportunity to 'live'

Sensing the quiet time around me, the space to hear my own inner voice. The voice telling me to be grateful, to not waste another minute and to work with what's Infront of me no matter what.

2. have tried to use all my senses, it's just a natural flow!

3. This is a complex one to answer but I will try:

I definitely feel as floating through time.

I don't feel different as a person 'me'

This person/ soul/ voice is the same, my dear friend

It always has been

But it doesn't want to be tied

It wants to have the space, freedom to BE.

It wants to let go and explore what I find,

It has a mission and it's moving with open arms

Embracing joys along the way.

I am working towards an idea, an illusion, a vision

Everything moving along is a bonus

Making the vision even more beautiful..

The kid in me wants to breathe

The adult me is guided by my younger self even though we are miles apart in terms of age as such but still the same soul..asking to live.

Through my writing I am connecting the dots for my younger, current and future self.

I feel they are all the same,

The only thing making them appear different is the passage of time.

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This is lovely, Saima. It has such flow and thoughtful joyfulness. You could definitely turn this into a piece of prose or prose poem. The smell of home is so dear and familiar, isn't it? Can you drill down into the specifics of how your home smells? What of? Does it change at different times of the day? And the concept of time is hard to grasp, how we feel different and yet the same through the years. Perhaps you could choose one element - being in your house, waking up, or having breakfast and seeing yourself as a child and in the future at that same moment. Thank you for sharing!

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