Hi there!
Welcome to my 3-part masterclass.
Part I covers being productive, efficient and planning; Part II is on how to be more creative, overcome writer’s blocks and boost your confidence and Part III is on how to find flow.
It’s called The Writer’s Path because it’s going to be so useful to you, whatever stage of your writing journey you’ve reached - whether you’re just starting out or you’re a professional writer - this short series will give you the tools you need for any aspect of your writing life.
You can do all the workshops, or just one, and in any order, but I think this order - planning, creativity and flow - is ideal and I really hope that if you do all three, you’ll be able to tackle any writing project with efficiency, focus and enthusiasm!
Part I is here, and Part III will be out next month.
I’ve created a list of my top 10 books on being more productive to get you started and my favourite books to boost your creativity!
This masterclass is for paid members of . I will shortly make it available to buy and one workshop would cost more than the current price of the annual membership. So if you do sign up to become a paid subscriber, you’ll have access all three parts, as well as a masterclass and / or a live workshop every month, plus essays on the craft of writing, be able to read my short stories and my full length nature memoir, Wilderness: In Search of Belonging.
So it’s a bargain!
Welcome to Part II: Building Confidence and Creativity
You’ll need a notebook and pen, A3 paper, coloured pens and post-its.
Writing takes courage.
In this session, we’ll work through exercises designed to boost your confidence and unleash your creativity. Whether you’re battling self-doubt or feeling creatively blocked, these techniques will help you rediscover the joy of writing.
Allow yourself about an hour to get started, but you may not be able to or want to do all the exercises in one go. There are 12 exercises, some of them you’ll need to try later and some of them you might want to do more than once.
With thanks to
who writes , for a beautiful line from one of her articles, which I’ve used as a writing prompt.Thank you to
of : I adapted one of Katherine’s exercises, originally created for the , in How to cultivate resilience: a toolkit for writers;and
who writes for her thought-provoking article, What if you do have time?Please download the handout and watch or listen to the workshop.
Please feel free to comment or share here, or in the Chat, or DM me.
Best of luck!
Sanjida x
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